Workouts of the Week 13-01 t/m 19-01
Maandag 13-01
“Blackjack” |
20-1 Box jumps 24″/20″ |
1-20 Strict sit ups |
Cap: 30min |
Dinsdag 14-01
4×10 Front squats @75/50% van lichaamsgewicht |
*iedere 3minuten een set |
7min Amrap |
7 Push ups |
14 Lunge steps |
Woensdag 15-01
Vind in 15min je max Power snatch |
Iedere 3min voor 5 ronden: |
200m rennen |
15 Hang power snatches 42,5/30 |
Donderdag 16-01
“CrossFit Total(ly Screwed) |
100 Shoulder presses @20/15 |
100 Back squats @40/30 |
100 Deadlifts @60/45 |
cap:35min |
Vrijdag 17-01
EMOM 10: |
3 Strict pull ups |
20min Amrap: |
20 Wall balls 9/6 |
15 Toes to bar |
10 Dumbbell pass throughs 15/10 |
Zaterdag 18-01
30min Amrap in teams van 2: |
5m Goblet lunge |
10 Alternating dumbbell snatches |
5m Goblet lunge |
*22,5/15 |
Zondag 19-01
Voor tijd: |
3min Plank |
25 Burpees |
2min Plank |
15 Broadjumps 1,5m |
1min Plank |
10 Burpee broadjumps |
Cap: 18min |
Voor tijd: |
100 Sit ups
Cap: 5min |